The JCMI Men’s Club held its final
program of the season on Sunday, April 3, 2011 with the presentation
of the film “The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg”, the great
Jewish ballplayer that played for the Detroit Tigers in the
1930’s-40’s and ‘50s.
The film was introduced by Isabel
Price, the chairperson of the JCMI film festival, who described the
anti-Semitism that occurred as Greenberg threatened Babe Ruth’s
home run record.
The by-laws of the club have been
redrafted and approved by the Board of Directors and will be sent to
the membership in October for their review prior to a general
meeting, at which time they will vote on their adoption or rejection.
Bob Lubin, the chairperson of
outside activities has summarized the survey he prepared, and has a
result, we are planning many activities for next year: a visit to a
minor league stadium in Fort Myers; a show and dinner at a club in
Fort Myers; Men’s Club dining and boating, and more.
The Men’s Club and Sisterhood are
cosponsoring a wine tasting and dinner evening next January and are
possibly planning a musical program at JCMI.
I hope you all have a wonderful
summer and I look forward to seeing you all in October.
Best Regards
Marv Klein.